Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video Bar

Alright everybody I know its been awhile since my last post and to try and find a solution to my lack of time for writing up blog posts I decided to start recording video and do my best at explaining what I am up too.

All you have to do is click on the videos above and watch them to find out what I am doing. The video bar links all my videos from Youtube to my blog so you guys can see all my videos directly here instead of having to go to Youtube. I have already added my two highlight tapes from university and my Vlog updates should be coming in as the trip goes on so check in regularly and watch them if they aren't too painful on the eyes and ears for you.


P.S. In case you can't see my videos and there are other videos up on the page that aren't mine just go to the Youtube website and type in "egalas70" my youtube name that should bring you to my videos as well.